How to Find the Best Catholic ED Video Tutorials
How to Find the Best Catholic ED Video Tutorials
Many Christian based school systems teach their students in what is called "ED Video Tutorials" that are a part of their regular classes. These lessons are often times used in conjunction with a teacher sharing some teaching tools that can be found on the internet. It seems that the demand for these particular videos is increasing as more people choose to go to church on a daily basis. There are a few different ed video tutorials that you will want to take a look at if you are looking for an effective way to teach your children about the Word of God.
First off, if you are looking for video tutorials that are available then you need to know that there is a basic difference between actual Christian based teachings and what is presented in these videos. In order for a video tutorial to be considered an ed video it needs to meet certain requirements that are laid forth by the Catholic Church. You will find that all Catholic churches require that all of their teachings be presented using audio and visual mediums. Audio and visual mediums have proven to be very effective for teaching and learning in the Catholic Church.
Another thing that you will find in any Catholic Church is that those who are married in a Catholic Church are required to attend mass on a daily basis. This is where you will find one of the best examples of what an ed video is supposed to do. Instead of having your children listen to a boring sermon, they are introduced to the love of Christ through video clips that are accompanied by powerful music. There are so many different Catholic religious videos that you will want to take a look at if you are looking for examples of this type of learning.
Another example of a great video that shows the love of God in action is one called "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words". In this particular lesson, students are introduced to several important paintings of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. Then a student is also shown what it means to have faith in God. There are many other lessons that can be found in this particular series.
The most popular ed video around is one entitled "ED Video Tutorials for Catholics". This particular video series was created to provide Catholics with an opportunity to learn about the essentials of the Catholic faith. One of the most popular lessons taught in this series is on the Ten Commandments. The videos teach students how they can obey God without depending on their own strength. This is a great example of how obedience to God can be done even when it is hard.
There are hundreds of other great examples that can be found on the Internet. One thing that you will find is that there are some great videos that will not cost any money at all. If you are a student looking for an effective way to learn more about Catholic education, then you should definitely take a look at some of the examples found here. You will not believe the difference it can make in your learning process. When you think about how much time you will save and how much information you will be able to retain through the use of these video tutorials, you will definitely see the value in using Catholic education resources. This is especially important because of the fact that so much is at stake when it comes to being Catholic.
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